"Ashita-chans Sailor Suit" (Akebi-chans Sailor Fuku) is a Japanese youth manga by Hiroshi!Since 2016, it has been serialized bimonthly on Shueishas web comic site "My Neighbor Young Jump".As of June 2022, the cumulative circulation of books has exceeded 900,000!It is an unofficial and unofficial quiz app.A wide range of quizzes are available, including characters, stories, trivia, anime, authors, and more![Quiz included in the app]Akebi KomichiTouko UsagiharaMinoru OkumaKamimoku NekoErika KizakiTomono KojoRiona ShijouAi TatsumoriKei TanigawaAyumi TogeguchiMai ToganoYasuko NawashiroRiri MinakamiHotaru HiraiwaHebimori OshizuHitomi WashioRai Tamura (From Tamura)Tomorrow Yuwa (Akebi Yuwa)Tomorrow Kao AkebiTomorrow Sato (Akebi Sato)Miki FukumotoIt is a very popular work broadcasted in animation.Try it as soon as you watch the anime!We will add more quizzes from time to time, so stay tuned!Install now for free!!